All courses to remain online-only for rest of ’19-20 academic year _ Message from Spalding University President Tori Murden McClure, April 17, 2020

All courses to remain online-only for rest of ’19-20 academic year _ Message from Spalding University President Tori Murden McClure, April 17, 2020

Message from President McClure: All classes to remain online-only for rest of ’19-20 academic year | April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020

Dear Spalding Community,

We cannot thank you enough for the dedication and resilience you have demonstrated in the past month. We miss seeing everyone in person, but by going virtual we are doing our part to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Your safety and the safety of the broader community will remain our top priorities.

With that in mind, we have decided to continue to offer our classes online for the rest of the 2019-20 academic year. This means that all courses in Session 6 (May 11-June 19) and Session 7 (June 29-Aug. 7) will be conducted online, as will all upcoming graduate courses.

While we could have waited to see if conditions regarding COVID-19 change in a way that would have allowed us to return to some face-to-face coursework, we want to reduce uncertainty. Our students need to be able to make plans for what is ahead, and our faculty need time to prepare their classes.

Some additional information:

• Registration now open: This week is the start of registration for Fall 2020 classes on WebAdvisor. We strongly encourage students to register and stay on track with your academic careers at Spalding. We are committed to assisting you in your progress.

• Employees working from home: Spalding employees are working from home and are ready to help students as they would if they were in their campus offices. Please reach out by telephone or email. Spalding University is about people, not buildings. Our buildings may be closed, but our people are “open.” If you need something, please let us know.

• Technological assistance: We recognize that we have some students who are trying to complete their coursework on their cell phones and who might need some help to access more appropriate technology. We may be able to assist you. Check out the resources on the Healthy Together – COVID-19 page of our website, consult with your advisor, talk to your professor or reach out to the Dean of Students. We want to help; please let us know your needs.

• Commencement plans to be announced soon: For those wondering about the status of Commencement, it is unlikely that we will be permitted to host a face-to-face Commencement on June 6. While we have not made a final decision, please do not make plans for Commencement on June 6.We WILL celebrate the success of our graduates, and we are considering a range of options from postponing the ceremony to making the event virtual.

• Student move-outs forthcoming: The residential students who left the halls last month should begin making plans to collect their belongings. Residence Life will be sending instructions soon. The best time to move out will be during the next session break – May 2-10. To ensure social distancing, we ask that you make an appointment with Residence Life, so that Campus Safety will know when to expect you.

• Potential volunteer opportunities: As we develop a community response to COVID-19, there will be a need for skilled volunteers. (Some positions might be paid.) An example would be helping with contact tracing. When someone tests positive for coronavirus, a volunteer (working from home) will be needed to notify the individuals and organizations with whom that person has been in contact. Spalding will not be in charge of hiring or overseeing these types of positions, but we will post these opportunities on our Healthy Together – COVID-19 page.

Thank you again for your dedication and focus. We are here to help, and we are grateful for the students who are reaching out to assist other students. YOU ARE FABULOUS. We’re all in this together, and we’ll get through this together.

There are students who have tested positive for COVID-19. Please stay safe.

May you, and all those you love, be well.

All the best,


Tori Murden McClure

Spalding University President